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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your information will be held by Quontic. This privacy notice is to let you know how companies within the Group promise to look after your personal information. This includes what you tell us about yourself, what we learn by having you as a customer, and the choices you give us about what marketing you want us to send you. This notice also tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

Personal Information

We use many different kinds of personal information. They are grouped together like this. The groups are all listed here so that you can see what we may know about you, even if we simply get it from seeing which shops you buy things in. We don’t use all this data in the same way. Some of it is useful for marketing, or for providing services to you. But some of it is private and sensitive and we treat it that way.

How long we keep your personal information

We will keep your personal information for as long as you are a customer of Quontic. We may keep your data for up to 10 years after you stop being a customer. The reasons we may do this are: 1) To respond to a question or complaint, or to show whether we gave you fair treatment 2) To study customer data as part of our own internal research 3) To obey rules that apply to us about keeping records. For example, the Money Laundering Regulations require us to retain certain data for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 years.

if you choose not to give personal information

We may need to collect personal information by law, or to enter into or fulfil a contract we have with you. If you choose not to give us this personal information, it may delay or prevent us from fulfilling our contract with you, or doing what we must do by law. It may also mean that we cannot run your accounts or policies. It could mean that we cancel a product or service you have with us. We sometimes ask for information that is useful, but not required by law or a contract. We will make this clear when we ask for it. You do not have to give us these extra details and it won't affect the products or services you have with us.


Cookies are small computer files that get sent down to your PC, tablet or mobile phone by websites when you visit them. They stay on your device and get sent back to the website they came from, when you go there again. Cookies store information about your visits to that website, such as your choices and other details. Some of this data does not contain personal details about you or your business, but it is still protected by this Privacy notice.

Who we share your personal information with

We may share your personal information with outside organisations such as credit card providers, insurers or tax authorities. This is so that we can provide you with products and services, run our business, and obey rules that apply to us. Here we list all the types of organisation that we may share your personal information with.

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